Important Information

Homework consists of studying weekly spelling words, your child reading aloud to you for twenty minutes each night, and a Math/Spelling BINGO page each week.  The BINGO page for the week will come home on Monday stapled with that week's spelling words. Please complete Math/Spelling BINGO page and return by Friday  Homework reading charts are sent home at the first of the month and collected at the end of the month. Please sign and date your child's reading chart for each day that you have read together.

Library Day is on Thursday. Your child will be keeping their library book here at school until after Christmas. In January, they will begin bringing them home. Once they do, please make sure their book is here every Thursday. If they do not return their book, they may not check out another until it is returned. If a book is lost or damaged, it is the parents responsibility to pay to replace the book.

PTA Take-Home Books
will be coming home regularly. After your child reads the book to you, please sign the paper and return the book to school. Parent volunteers come daily to exchange the books for a new ones. If you have not signed the paper, they cannot give you a new book. These books are great because each child receives a book on their current reading level. It is $5 to replace a lost PTA book.

Book Orders will be coming home each month this year. You are welcome to fill out your order and send a check to school for your purchase (I am not able to accept cash). You may also try the new and easy way to order books online. Just follow the link to Scholastic Books on my home page. Our class code is GJXPG . This way you can order and pay online with your credit or debit card. The books will be delivered to the school and I will send them home with your child when they arrive. When you order books, it earns books for our classroom!

Birthdays will be celebrated in our class. If your child has a birthday during the school year, you are welcome to send a treat to school on that day. The school requires that the treat be store bought. If your child's birthday is on Saturday or Sunday, we will celebrate it on Friday or Monday.

Raz-Kids  Your teacher username is MM1-3. Once you get to our class page, click on your  name. If you forget your password, Mrs. Nielsen can give it to you again.